Chelsea tactics: Conte admits Luiz experiment has failed

Chelsea were abysmal against Roma.  One of the reasons for this is the fact that, though disguised by his goal, David Luiz is neither a complete midfielder or defender.

Against Roma Chelsea’s manager Antonio Conte was forced to experiment with David Luiz in the midfield.  Chelsea are bereft of numbers in midfield due to injury and Luiz’s cavaliering style has often hinted to people that he should be played as a midfielder.

It didn’t work against Roma and Antonio Conte confirmed as much in saying “it was my decision to change the system to make up for the lack of options. I changed the David Luiz position to strengthen the midfield and I don’t think it worked, to be honest.”

Such startling honesty from a manager is rare but this gives a big insight into the situation that Conte is in at Chelsea. He hasn’t been given a squad that is even close to what he desired and is being forced to improvise on the move.

Conte as a manager is very similar to the man he was as a player.  He believes in the enduring good graces of hard work, discipline and dedication.  None of those are characteristics that one can exactly associate with any members of the squad that the Chelsea board have given him.

Are they talented?  Yes, on their day they’re phenomenal.  But in moments like this it is important to remember the are not the Chelsea lions of Lampard, Terry and Drogba but more a group of shrinking violets.

David Luiz is simply too old to not have his position and uses better figured out.  He lacks the day in, day out discipline to play as a central defender and yet he has the athleticism and technical talent to be a midfielder but doesn’t quite make the most of his opportunities.

At 30 most defenders should be in their perfect prime.  Experienced enough to know what to do and yet still with enough of their youthful athleticism to keep up.  David Luiz still plays like a 20-year-old graced with perfect athletic stature and yet lacking the maturity to really capitalize on it.

David Luiz supporters will lie and fight against this day in and day out.  They’re seduced by his charm and the fact that on his day he is a truly phenomenal player.  But the truth is simple.  Defenders need to be consistent and dependable.  Those are the two things lacking from his game and without them he’ll never reach his potential and always be a failed experiment.  Sad really.